Return and Refund Policy

At PEITHO, we are committed to providing high-quality beauty products that meet your needs. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we are here to assist you.


  • You may return unopened and unused products within14 days of receipt for a full refund.
  • To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original packaging and in the same condition that you received it.
  • Please contact our customer service at to initiate the return process. Include your order number and reason for the return in your email.


  • Once we receive your returned item, we will inspect it and notify you of the status of your refund.
  • If your return is approved, we will process a refund to your original payment method within 10 business days.
  • Shipping costs are non-refundable, and you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs for returning your item.


  • We only replace items if they are defective or damaged. If you need to exchange an item for the same product, please contact us at

Non-returnable Items:

  • Certain items, such as opened or used products, are not eligible for return or refund. Please contact us for more details on specific products.